Aside Post Format. The quick, brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. DJs flock by when MTV ax quiz prog. Junk MTV quiz graced by fox whelps. Bawds jog, flick quartz, vex nymphs.Read More
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing...Read More
I don’t want to go. Sweet, maybe… Passionate, I suppose… But don’t ever mistake that for nice. There’s something else I’ve always wanted to say: Allons-y, Alonso! You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. There’s only one time I could… New-new-Doctor. Don’t you think she looks tired? New New York I’m...Read More
Nine hundred years of time and space, and I’ve never been slapped by someone’s mother. Well, my Doctorate is purely honorary and Harry is only qualified to work on sailors. This stuff, or whoever sent it, is cleverer than we are. Unfortunate, isn’t it? Why are you pointing your screwdrivers like that? They’re scientific instruments, not water pistols. Have faith, Brigadier. Have I ever led you astray? Sweet, maybe… Passionate,...Read More
Please tell me I didn’t get old. Anything but old. I was young! Oh… is he grey? It’s a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. Usually called ‘The Doctor.’ Or ‘The Caretaker.’ Or ‘Get off this planet.’ Though, strictly speaking, that probably isn’t a name. I once spent a hell of a long time trying to get a gobby Australian to Heathrow airport. Brave heart, Clara. Oh,...Read More